1st International Circular Hydrometallurgy Symposium - ICHS 2024

Participation with a poster

  • Researchers and other actors are invited to present their posters during the social breaks (coffee breaks/lunches/reception).
  • An abstract of no more than 1500 characters (around 25 lines) should be submitted before 15th July 2024.
  • Abstract topic should belong to the scope of the symposium.
  • Please send your abstract to rabab.nasser@kuleuven.be
  • All contributions should be presented during the symposium by a registered presenting author.

Submission deadline: 20th August 2024.

Notification of acceptance: within 1 week after submission.

ICHS2024 Posters
Authors Title Affiliation Downloads
01 J. Ait Brahim, R. Beniazza Unveiling the Opportunities of Rare Earths Recovery from Phosphate Byproducts and Waste Streams Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Morocco) [DOWNLOAD]
02 J. G.P. Santos1, J. Lourenço2, S. Mendo1, J. A.P. Coutinho1, T. Caetano1, H. Passos2 Combining bioleaching and liquid-liquid separation for metals recovery from low- grade matrices 1University of Aveiro (Portugal) 2University of Porto (Portugal) [DOWNLOAD]
03 A. Nogueira, F. Sosa, N. Schaeffer, J. A.P. Coutinho Machine learning-driven framework for lithium-ion battery recycling University of Aveiro (Portugal) [DOWNLOAD]
04 N. Peeters, S. Riaño, K. Binnemans Conversion of lithium chloride into lithium hydroxide using a two-step solvent extraction process in an agitated Kühni column KU Leuven (Belgium) [DOWNLOAD]
04 N. Schaeffer1, I. Vaz,1 S. Dourdain,2 M. C. Hespanhol,3 J. A.P. Coutinho1 Evaluating the potential of hydrophobic eutectic solvents for inter-lanthanide separation 1University of Aveiro (Portugal ) 2University Montpellier (France) 3Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil)
05 A. Nobahar1, F. N. Braga1, F. H. B. Sosa1, J. A. P. Coutinho1, H. Passos1, 2 Innovative Bio-Based Adsorbents for Platinum Group Metals Recovery 1University of Aveiro (Portugal) 2University of Porto (Portugal) [DOWNLOAD]
06 M. Haberbauer, R. Früholz, S. Spieß Phosphorus and metal recovery from sewage sludge ash by biohydrometallurgy K1-MET GmbH (Austria) [DOWNLOAD]
07 F. N. Braga1, A. Coelho1, A. R. F. Carreira1, F. H. B. Sosa1, N. Schaeffer1, H. Passos1, 2, J. A.P. Coutinho1 Hydrometallurgical Recovery of Platinum Group Metals from Spent Catalytic Converters Using Water-in-Salt Leaching Solutions 1University of Aveiro (Portugal) 2University of Porto (Portugal) [DOWNLOAD]
08 T. Hanada1, 2, N. Schaeffer2, M. Katoh1, J. Coutinho2, M. Goto3 Designing hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents for the selective leaching of critical metals 1Tokushima University (Japan) 2University of Aveiro (Portugal) 3Kyushu University (Japan) [DOWNLOAD]
09 J. Alajoki1, Björn Glaser2 Mari Lundström1,2 Robust hydrometallurgical processing and recovery of metals from underutilized industrial side streams 1Aalto University (Finland), 2KTH Royal Institute of Technology
10 S. Teimouri, C. Ma, M. Svärd, and K. Forsberg Augmenting deep eutectic solvent leaching and anti-solvent crystallization with density functional theory (DFT) for recycling of lithium-ion batteries KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) [DOWNLOAD]
11 M. Drzazga, M. Ciszewski, S. Kozłowicz, S. Kulawik, A. Radoń, I. Maj, S. Kasierot, P. Kowalik, K. Goc, K. Klejnowska, W. Mikołajczak Management of zinc production wastes for recovery of germanium Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals (Poland) [DOWNLOAD]
12 L. M. Martelo, M. A. D. Silva, H. A. M. Bacelo, M. M. S. M. Bastos, H. M.V.M. Soares Zero-waste recycling of all raw materials from liquid crystal displays screens of smartphones through a circular physic-hydrometallurgical strategy University of Porto (Portugal)
13 N. Snehashis, N. Osmanbegovic, M. Svärd, and K. Forsberg Comparison of antisolvent and eutectic freeze crystallization for recovery of Ni, Co and Mn methanesulfonate hydrates KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) [DOWNLOAD]
14 E. Seftel1, E. Balomenos2, C. Dittrich3, B. Orberger4, C. Mangunda5 VALORE PROJECT – VANADIUM AND GALLIUM RECOVERY FROM BAYER LIQUOR 1VITO Belgium; 2MYTILINEOS (Greece) 3MEAB (Germany) 4Catura Geoprojects (France) 5KTH (Sweden) [DOWNLOAD]
15 S. Rahmati, P. Romano, R. Adavodi and F. Veglio’ Evaluation of Hydrometallurgical Methods for Designing Rare Earth Elements Recovery Plant University of L’Aquila (Italy) [DOWNLOAD]
16 J. J.M.M. van de Ven, Y. Yang and S. T. Abrahami A Closer look on Synergetic Leaching of LiFePO4- and LiNixMny­CozO2-­ Containing Lithium-ion Battery Waste Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) [DOWNLOAD]
17 A. Kumari1, S. Kumar Sahu2 Hydrometallurgy for sustainable recovery of rare earths from waste NdFeB magnets 1Indian Institute of Technology (India) 2 CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (India) [DOWNLOAD]
18 R. Marin Rivera, K. Binnemans Coupled reaction and solvent extraction process for HCl regeneration from a CaCl2- based solution KU Leuven (Belgium) [DOWNLOAD]
19 C. R. Souza1, C. N. Silva1, G. C. Silva1, A.L.A. Santos1, D. B. F. Neto1, F. M. Penha2 and S. D. F. Rocha1 Niobium Circularity: Linking the Chain Aiming at Sustainable Innovation 1Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil) 2 KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) [DOWNLOAD]
20 H. Salehi[1], S. Maroufi, R. K. Nekouei, V. Sahajwalla Tailored Separation of Light Rare Earth Elements using Combined Oxidative Precipitation and Multi-Stage Solvent Extraction Techniques Centre for Sustainable Materials Research and Technology, SMaRT@UNSW (Australia) [DOWNLOAD]
21 F. Kukurugya1, O. Renier1, J. Spooren1, E. Brau Cerdá2, A. Lopez Buendia2 Microwave-assisted leaching of precious metals from end-of-life products 1VITO, Belgium 2 CEINNMAT (Spain) [DOWNLOAD]
22 V. Muthukumar, W. C. Kwok, P. Venkatesan Extraction of lithium from Pegmatite mine tailings via microwave-assisted leaching and chemical precipitation Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) [DOWNLOAD]
23 D. Pino-Herrera Numerical modelling developments on bioleaching process BRGM (France) [DOWNLOAD]
24 C. Pucci Couto1, P. Venkatesan2, Y. Yang1, J. Ustarroz2, 3, S. T. Abrahami1 An innovative approach to study local dissolution mechanism of NdFeB permanent magnets by scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM) 1Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) 2 Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) 3 Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) [DOWNLOAD]
25 D. Boom, E. Yilmaz, C. van Beek-Hagemans, S. van Berkum THE OVERSEEN LINEAR PROCESSES IN A CIRCULAR ECONOMY TNO, Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (The Netherlands) [DOWNLOAD]
26 I. Hussain1, N. Dogan1, F. Schrama1, 2, R. Botinha L. Cancado1, 2, Y. Yang1 Assessment of hydrometallurgical method for copper removal in steel recycling 1Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) 2Tata Steel Netherlands (The Netherlands) [DOWNLOAD]
27 F.M. Kadisch, S.T. Abrahami, Y. Yang Investigation of Advanced Techniques for Liberating Electronic Components for the Recycling of Printed Circuit Boards Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) [DOWNLOAD]
28 U. G. Favero1, Y. R. Guimarães1, N. T. P. Martins2, N. P. Viana2, G. M. D. Ferreira2, R. C. Silva1, T. A. Silva1, M. C. Hespanhol1 Sustainable copper extraction from chalcopyrite using deep eutectic solvent for sample dissolution, electrodeposition, and adsorbent modification 1Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil) 2Federal University of Lavras (Brazil) [DOWNLOAD]
29 Z. Balagh, Y. Taha, Y. Ait Khouia, and M. Benzaazoua Magnesium and Calcium extraction from phosphate mine waste rock using sulfuric acid: Thermodynamics, parameters optimization, kinetics and reaction mechanism Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (Morocco)
29 S. Sadeghi, B. Dewulf, C. Vermoere, R. Lommelen1, S. Tampouris, K. Binnemans Ni/Co recovery from ferronickel (FeNi) ores using an HCl-based route KU Leuven (Belgium), LARCO (Greece) [DOWNLOAD]
30 R. Barbano1, 2,T. Santori1, E. Billy1, G. Frajer1, H. Muhr2 Understanding of chemical and catalytic mechanism of oxidative precipitation process applied for the lithium-ion batteries metals of interest recovery 1University Grenoble Alpes (France) 2CNRS Université de Lorraine (France) [DOWNLOAD]
31 S. Javanshir, L. Sundqvist Öqvist Feasibility study of using bio-reductant for extraction of valuable metals from spent LIBs Luleå University of Technology (Sweden) [DOWNLOAD]
32 T. Abo Atia, S. Sadeghi, A. Olovcic, K. Binnemans Modelling and validation of an ammonia-ammonium carbonate hydrometallurgical flowsheet for recovering zinc from electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) KU Leuven (Belgium) [DOWNLOAD]
33 D. Avdibegović, V. T. Nguyen, K. Binnemans One-step process for purification of lithium chloride to battery grade KU Leuven (Belgium) [DOWNLOAD]
34 V. T. Nguyen, J. B. Habinshuti, C. A. Quintero, D. Avdibegovic, and K. Binnemans Circular Hydrometallurgical Process for Extraction of Beryllium from Beryl Ore KU Leuven (Belgium) [DOWNLOAD]
35 M. Richard Adionics: An exclusive technology to optimize Li Recycling from battery recycling Adionics (France) [DOWNLOAD]
36 M. O. Arman, C. Deferm, K. Binnemans Electrochemical oxidation of copper(I) to make solvometallurgical recovery of PGMs circular KU Leuven (Belgium) [DOWNLOAD]
37 P. Xanthopoulos1, A. Charitos2, D. R. Martinez2, M. Rudolph2, A. Salces3, A. M. Moschovi4, I. Yakoumis4, D. Skentzou5 ReLiFe – Recycling Lithium Ferrophosphate in the RIS area 1Sunlight Group SystemsSystems Sunlight SA (Greece) 2TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) 3Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany) 4MONOLITHOS Catalysts & Recycling Ltd (Greece) 5SE&C IKE (Greece) [DOWNLOAD]
38 B. Dewulf Circular hydrometallurgical approach using hydrochloric acid towards the valorization of domestic European nickel and cobalt resources KU Leuven (Belgium) [DOWNLOAD]

Participation with a booth

Companies and suppliers are invited to present their technology and know-how to other companies and scientists, alongside the symposium. 
Booth investment – € 1.200 VAT excluded, including:
  • 3 boards (285 cm x 240 cm each);
  • 1 table, 2 chairs;
  • 1 full symposium regsitration for booth staff;
  • Your company logo on the website.

Exhibition booths at ICHS 2024